Fellow Investor, The current market frenzy has pulled the wool over most investors' eyes. While many are rolling merrily along, raking in the easy money, the wheels that grease the stock market itself are grinding to a halt. The critical shift ahead will blindside 99% of all investors, and cost them a pretty penny in the months ahead. But the truth is—if you are willing to take a closer look—not only can you easily spot what is about to take place, but you can also prepare yourself for it as well. In order to do that, you simply must understand what our politicians and market cheerleaders do not want you to figure out. Namely, the truth about the U.S. economy—and what it means for both the stock and bond markets directly ahead. My name is Gary Shilling and in my 45 years as an economic forecaster, I've never been more sure that investors are WAY too optimistic. Today I want to tell you the truth about the economy. It may not be pretty, but my job isn't to sugar coat. My job is to lay out the facts and help you to both protect yourself and profit from what lies ahead.
So here's the plain truth the bullish cheerleaders aren't crowing about: The massive global deleveraging that started four years ago is not even half done. There is more pain to come for investors, consumers, governments and corporations. Everyone will eventually be forced to adjust to this new paradigm. But those who do so first stand to not just protect their wealth from the coming crisis—they also have the opportunity to make big profits by getting in front of these unstoppable trends. Your golden opportunity Now more than ever, it's absolutely critical you understand the truth about what's really happening in the economy today. That's why I've written a new report I'd like to send you absolutely free. It's called The Truth About the Economy and in it you'll learn that the most likely consequences are:
…a gut–wrenching 30% plunge in the S&P 500
…another 20% drop in the value of your home …a global slowdown that slams developed and emerging economies alike …and a massive deleveraging that sucks liquidity out of the financial system when it's needed the most.
You must download this valuable report now with our compliments. Unlike the nonsense you hear from our politicians or the main stream media, in it you'll find a serious examination of macro forces such as consumer attitudes, Fed policies, and the financial markets.
This sobering but realistic look at the current state of our economy is a MUST READ for every investor. Get your FREE copy now so you can prepare to keep your money safe in the turmoil ahead.
When you do, you'll learn … 7 big reasons to cut back your stock exposure now I can't give you the full story here, but here's just a taste of why our financial future is so grim: - U.S. consumers are making a U–Turn from borrowing–and–spending to saving. As you might expect, that's bad news for U.S. retailers, and worse news for foreign countries that rely on exports.
- Financial deleveraging is still rippling through the global system. Consumers and businesses are focused on capital preservation, so you can say goodbye to expansion and growth…and a booming stock market, too.
- The governments of developed economies are piling on new regulations with abandon. That's great if you want to encourage corruption and rent–seeking, but lousy if you want more innovation and efficiency.
- Protectionism is on the rise. How does that help global trade and growth? It doesn't.
- The U.S. housing market still suffers under massive excess inventories (i.e., vacant and unsold houses). That's not just bad for employment—housing construction creates lots of jobs—it's also depressing for homeowners who feel a negative wealth effect.
- Deflation makes buyers everywhere cautious as they wait for lower prices. You want to think twice before you own or invest in any industry that relies on consumer spending.
- State and local governments will run short of cash and face bankruptcy. Is your community prepared to cope with half as many cops, firefighters and teachers?
These trends are already in motion…what are you going to do about them? Don't get caught flat–footed My forecasts are devoured not just by investors who want to use my findings to organize their portfolio…but also by economists, financial analysts, corporate and governmental leaders…for two simple reasons.
One: I have an insatiable thirst for knowledge, data and information. My forecasts are built on thousands of hours of research, intelligence–gathering, interviews and plain–old elbow grease before I ever reach a conclusion.
Two: I have no agenda other than to discover the truth about the global economy and share it with my readers.
My only goal is to help you understand the powerful forces that are shaping the world economy so that you can position your portfolio to profit from positive trends…and steer clear of negative ones.
My reputation…and my livelihood…are built on the accuracy of my forecasts, period.
I share my analysis in Gary Shilling's Insight—the private investment advisory I founded 28 years ago.
You simply don't sustain a publication that long if you don't deliver timely, accurate forecasts.
Think of it this way… …If you knew back in 1980 that inflation was over and stocks and bonds would start a 20–year bull market…do you think that would have been valuable information? …If you knew back in 1985 that Japan was going to be entering a 25–year period of deflation and slow growth…could you have made some money off that? …If you knew in 2006 that the housing market was about to collapse and bring down the world's financial system…wouldn't it have been fun to profit from the greatest shorting opportunity since 1929? …And right now, when the U.S. and all major developed economies are in danger of at least 5 more years of slow growth…shouldn't your investing strategy account for this probability? Some of the largest institutions in the world–hedge funds, pension funds, money managers and wealthy individuals–move billions based on my forecasts. They quietly reposition their assets for one very simple reason: When you get the big market moves right, the profits inevitably follow Spotting trends early is not easy, but adjusting your portfolio to be on the right side of big changes is the surest way to make big profits as an investor. And perhaps just as importantly, staying away from countries, asset classes and specific investments on the wrong side of change is the best way to avoid the portfolio–crushing losses that take years, if not decades, to recover from. To help investors protect themselves and profit, I write Gary Shilling's Insight, a publication specifically tailored to investors who want to understand the truth about the economy, and more importantly, how to align their portfolio to profit from this reality. I would never claim to have a perfect crystal ball, but my obsessive study of charts, statistics and socioeconomic trends has led me to get more big calls right than any other big economic forecaster I know. And I call 'em as I see 'em. Here are just a few examples of my insights at important market turning points: - In the spring of 1969, I was among the few to correctly predict a recession would start later that year
- In 1973, I stood almost alone in forecasting that the world was entering a massive inventory–building spree to be followed by the first major worldwide recession since the 1930s
- In the late 1970s, when most thought that raging inflation was now a permanent fixture of world economies, I was the first to predict that a new political realignment could not only tame inflation, but also reorder the investing world by making stocks and bonds more profitable than hard assets and commodities
- In the 1980s, I diverged from the crowd once again, accurately predicting the implosion of Japan’s stock and real estate bubbles
- In 1991, the Wall Street Journal’s July 5 edition stated, “Mr. Shilling was one of the few analysts a year ago to forecast a recession...a forecast that now looks prophetic”
- The July 7, 1997 edition of the Journal stated that “Mr. Shilling had the best overall forecast” of the economy, interest rates, exchange rates and inflation “among the...57 economists polled in the latest survey”
- I also nailed the kickoff of the great housing boom, correctly recognizing in 2002 that the Fed’s low–interest rate policy would turbo–charge housing, real estate, and even commodities
- And I turned sharply bearish on financials, real estate and housing stocks in 2007, before the devastating worldwide financial crash
This long track record of nailing major market moves is the reason I was twice named Wall Street's top economist in a poll by Institutional Investor magazine and the country's #1 Commodity Trading Advisor by Futures magazine. I'm also invited to share my insights in Forbes magazine, Bloomberg View, The Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and other major financial publications, as well as on major financial TV and radio programs. But it's my private financial advisory, which you can join today, where you will find the playbook you need to survive and thrive in a treacherous year. Stay ahead of the big trends for less than a dollar a day If you're not yet convinced that I can help you be a better informed, more successful investor, let me give you one more reason to put your doubt aside just long enough to give me a try: You can hire me as your personal economic forecaster and profit from my research and analysis for less than a dollar a day. You'll be first to hear from me on important changes in the global economic landscape—starting with my new report The Truth About the Economy. You'll get my top Investment Themes for 2014. You'll be first to get word that one of my Investment Themes has been put on the shelf, or a new theme has been activated. You'll be first to get my in–depth exploration of important issues like our troubled banking system, the crippled housing market, U.S. higher education in crisis, the dollar, deflation, the Fed's zero–interest rate policy, the ticking national debt bomb, the Japanese train wreck and much more. You'll be the first to have the edge you need to survive the coming age of deleveraging. All you need to do is click this link now to get started.
Sincerely, A. Gary Shilling Founder and Editor Gary Shilling's Insight P.S. Just one of my 2014 Investing Themes could make or save you enough to pay for a subscription to my advisory service many times over. But the only way to get my 2014 Themes is to join Gary Shilling's Insight now, while it is completely risk–free. Go here now and get an edge that will benefit you all year long. |